When financing your property, finding the right lending partner is possibly the most important decision you’ll make…
CCM has long-standing relationships with lenders from coast to coast who consistently value the lending opportunities that CCM clients bring to the table.
Lenders know that when they receive a loan request from CCM, it is thorough, complete and has been underwritten and vetted. This allows the lenders to focus on providing the most competitive terms, pricing and structure for CCM clients.
You need more than a just a lender or mortgage broker — you need an experienced partner to be your advocate who can help you create and execute your financing plan by bringing the right capital resources to bear while creating competition for your financing business.
With over 30 years of experience as mortgage brokers, direct lenders, borrowers, investors, and developers, we are able to view each transaction from many perspectives and efficiently guide all parties through a smooth transaction.
At CCM, we are not simply your mortgage broker – We are your advisor and strongest advocate.
At CCM we place the highest value on relationships with our clients in what can be a very transactional-driven type of business.
We work hard to understand your financing goals, and work closely with you to efficiently reach those goals.
All transactions are not the same, and we take pride in listening carefully to our customers’ real estate financing objectives in order to bring the most relevant and competitive capital resources in the marketplace to meet those objectives.
When accessing the debt and equity marketplace, let us be your trusted resource and strongest advocate.